Your Trusted Partner for Mobile Notary Needs in Minneapolis and St. Paul


Henry A Young, Jr is the founder/owner of Young Associates MN Notary.

About Us Young Associates MN NotaryHenry has been helping nonprofit organizations and the public for 47 years across 7 American and 3 Canadian Cities ! In Minnesota, he led the Guthrie Theater’s Development Office from 1982 to 1992, Breck School 1993-1995. The Guthrie had a super successful endowment campaign and raised over $26,000,000! Henry also did great work with Breck Schools helping them raise $15,000,000 for their endowment. He also led a feasibility study for ArtSpace and the Minneapolis City Counsel about moving the Shubert Theater to its new location next to the Hennepin Center for the Arts (Cowles Center for Dance). Now in his 70’s, he’s launched a mobile notary public serving Seniors across Hennepin, Dakota, and Ramsey Counties. He is licensed, insured, and has passed both the State of Minnesota and National Notary Association background checks, so you can trust him. If you need help with document signing and notarization, just give him a call or click BOOK NOW for a FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE. We are excited to assist you!

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